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Opinion: Don’t treat aircrew scapegoats for the 5th wave of Covid outbreak

・Should aircrew be blamed for the 5th wave of Covid outbreak in Hong Kong?

Editorial note: The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Hong Kong Aviation Forum and/or its Administrators.


Dear editor,

I am writing to express my displeasure with reeks of deplorable sentiments over the society, which have blamed the cabin crew for the 5th wave of Covid outbreak.

Our city has been subjected to one of the harshest quarantine restrictions in the world for more than a year, including weeks of testing and isolation. As many countries abandon the zero-tolerance Covid policy, Hong Kong, on the other hand, will continue to defend the zero-tolerance policy and be eminently watchful against the virus, as the Chief Executive and other health ministers have parroted.

Amid the harsh restrictions, our aircrew has displayed ultimate professionalism and tolerance.

“Non-compliance of tiny majority should not be allowed to shadow the remarkable discipline and professionalism of the overwhelming majority of Cathay Pacific crew over so many months”, Chairman of Cathay Pacific Patrick Healy said in a message.

Our aircrew should not be collectively held responsible for the Covid outbreak. Our aircrew and the industry is the cornerstone of the success of our vibrant city, and at the very least, let’s not become shortsighted and discriminate against our aircrew.

People should stop name-calling for scapegoats and embrace the stark reality that achieving zero-Covid is unrealistic while the rest of the globe is getting back into the swing. The paramount now is to raise the vaccination rate to prevent Covid from posing a threat to the vulnerable population, learn to live with the virus and return everything to normal.

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