Aviation Statistics
Hong Kong International Airport and our local airlines are on its way to resume full pre-pandemic capacity and reach new heights.​ Our Hong Kong aviation statistics dashboard allows you to effortlessly track and monitor the progress of this remarkable recovery.
​​The following information are sourced from publicly available information and for personal references only.
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Monthly statistics
Data from January 2019 to October 2020 includes both Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon
From January 2024 onward, data will include both Cathay Pacific and HK Express within the Cathay Group
Annual statistics

Figures includes Cathay Pacific and HK Express

Note: 2019 and 2020 figures include Cathay Dragon; 2021-2024 figures do not include HK Express RPK = Passengers Carried x Sector Distance ASK = Available Seats x Sector Distance

Competitor Performance
Understanding the figures
Available seat kilometres (ASK): Passenger seat capacity
Seats available x Sector distance
Available tonne kilometres (ATK): Overall capacity
Tonnes available (for passengers, excess baggage, and cargo) x Sector distance
Available cargo tonne kilometres (AFTK): Cargo Capacity
Cargo capacity measured in tonnes available for the carriage of freight x Sector distance
Revenue passenger kilometres (RPK): Passenger volume
Number of passengers carried x Sector distance
Cargo revenue tonne kilometres (RFTK): Amount of cargo in tonnes
Amount of cargo (tonnes) carried x Sector distance
Passenger/Cargo load factor
Revenue passenger /​​ cargo revenue tonne kilometres
Available seat /cargo tonne kilometres